About Treacy Eller

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My Mission

Hello, I am here to help you understand yourself better and to relieve the pain that comes when relationships are struggling. We often don't know what the pain is about or what causes us to behave the way we do. I can help you with that. Either individually, or with your loved one, I want to work with you to help you build a satisfying, joyful relationship. My theoretical orientation is psychoanalytic and psychodynamic. Simply put, I help you to know your thoughts and feelings that govern your actions so that you are able to enjoy satisfying, honest relationships.

As I get to know you and your story, I will help you understand yourself more fully and guide you towards behavior that will benefit your relationships. This may mean learning a new skill, improving communication, managing your emotional reactivity or healing past traumas.

My clients include individuals, couples and adolescents. I have a passion for helping couples communicate effectively, adolescents develop higher self esteem and helping people through life transitions. I hold a space for a better you.

Are you ready to take the first step?

My Values


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Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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